jueves, 29 de junio de 2017

A subject you enjoyed this semester.

I don't know if this is a real subject, but it is a "cfg" , either way I enjoyed a lot these classe. I'm talking about photography.
In a typical class of photography , the teacher says : Where you like to go today?  when then wins a place , we prepare our things, camera  and we go to that place.
Another thing is when we stay in a room and we make a real studio of photography in there. We occupy different make-ups, models and backgrounds.
We have seen many different subjects such as advertising, portraits, landscapes, city, objects, depth, etc. In addition to learning how to use our cameras correctly.
There are many reasons why i like this subject. I like because we go away from the university and we forget about the others subjects , tests and the stressing life. Also we connect with the nature and learn about the different enviroments that may be in Santiago.So far we have gone to the cemetery, Santa Lucia Hill, "Lastarria" and different museums.
I really recommend this cfg for those who have not taken it, you can relax,  learn and  have a good time.

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